lunes, 15 de julio de 2019

Active voice and passive voice


1. Underline the best option:

1. The book was published/published in 2010.
2. My parents will lend/will be lent me some money to buy a new car.
3. It is said/says that some sports involve serious risks.
4. Lots of workers have been made/have made redundant as a result of the crisis.
5. My father was bought/ bought me a CD.
6. Fewer letters are written/write nowadays.
7. The TV presenter has been made/has made lots of mistakes today.
8. Where are you being lived/are you living?
9. My children are liked/like pasta.
10. Emails are sent/send more and more.

2. Change the sentences from active to passive & viceversa.

1. I have had my hair cut.
2. Politicians say that teachers don’t work hard.
3. Peter has been given a promotion.
4. It’s believed that there is life in the afterlife.
5. Will you send me a postcard from New Your?
6. Nothing is done to help the homeless.
7. People think that unemployment is increasing.
8. Popular TV series are broadcast on AXN.
9. Something like that can’t be done.
10. My husband was cooking dinner when someone knocked at the door.