lunes, 15 de febrero de 2016

Unscramble Sentences (Past Tense)

      Organize the sentence
. write them in your notebook.

  1.       yesterday / night / We / danced
  2. 2.                 last / cooked / I / lunch / Monday
  3. 3.                  French / last / year / You / studied
  4. 4.                  stay / you / here / Did / last / night?
  5. 5.                  ice-cream / did / not / She / an / want
  6. 6.                  they / accept / his / invitation? / Did
  7. 7.                  me / attacked / park / thief / in / The / the
  8. 8.                  months / our / holiday / We / planned / two / ago
  9. 9.                  penicillin / didn’t / Marconi / the / discover
  10. 10.              the / night? / Did / here / stop / bus / yesterday
  11. 11.              countryside / liked / in / visiting / the / my / I / family
  12. 12.              tied / quickly / his / shoelaces / He / very
  13. 13.              didn’t / She / try / the / cake
  14. 14.              ago? / Kong / they / Honk / travel / two / months / Did / to
  15. 15.              We / weekend / with / / cards / last / played / our / parents
II. Put the irregular verb in the correct form. 
   (translate each sentence)
  1. 1. Jacob  ____________ (bet) a lot of money on that horse that came in last.
    2. My grandfather _____________ (fight) in World War II.
    3. A bird ____________ (fly) in through the window.
    4. The teacher _____________ (forbid) the pupils to leave the classroom.
    5. Nick ___________ (have) a lot of money years ago, but now he is very poor.
    6. The old man __________ (hit) the thief on the head with his walking stick.
    7. It was very warm so I ____________ (leave) the windows open.
    8. We __________ (read) about the accident in yesterday’s newspaper.
    9. I ______________ (ring) the doorbell but there was nobody in the house.
    10. This novel has ____________ (sell) so well that it has been reprinted many times.
    11. Amanda ___________ (shed) tears when she heard that her cat had died.
    12. The old lady was feeling lonely so she ___________ (buy) a dog.
    13. The doctors __________ (do) everything they could to save the patient.
    14. I ________ (drive) to the supermarket but couldn’t find a parking space there.
    15. Liza ____________ (forget) her umbrella in the park.
    16. I __________ (get) very angry when I saw what they had done.

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