viernes, 6 de mayo de 2016

Connectors activity

1. Choose the correct connector and complete the sentences
:   Translate them.
           but - also - or - because - so - and - too - because of

· Mary has got a mobile phone _______ she turns it off before the lessons.
· I have bought a new mobile phone _______ I can phone you anytime.
· My parents offered me a car _______ a mobile phone.
· Some schools don´t allow students to bring mobiles _______ they disturb classes.

· Do you prefer to use the mobile phone _______ the Internet?

2. Choose the correct connector to complete the sentences: Translate them.

· Mark bough a book _______  didn´t read it. ( but / or)
· I opened the window _______  it was very hot in the room. ( so / because)
· In the evening Mary stays at home _______  studies. ( and / also)
· Tim likes skateboarding _______  he often does it. ( or / so)
· Do you prefer playing tennis _______  watching TV? ( too / or)
· Philip makes pizzas and serves them _______ . ( because / too)
· _______  the rain Mary didn´t go to school. ( but / because of)
· Jim is extremely clever. He is _______  very efficient. (and/ also)

3.  Fill in the gaps using the following connectors: and , also, too, but, or , so , because.
 Translate them.

· These miners are protesting _______  they have no benefits.
· Some people have to carry out boring work _______  live boring lives.
· For many people working means money and _______  a challenge.
· Some people enjoy their work _______  others don´t.
· Do you want to play chess _______  are you too tired?
· He worked until late, _______  he was very tired.
· I like reading  I like writing _______

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